Advisory Council For Cable Television – Area II
2-Year Terms – 3 Members Appointed by Mayor – 1 Member Appointed by Board of Education – Per Advisory Council Bylaws Article 2 §1
Purpose and objectives
To affirm the Council's role as the official representative of subscribers, library, educational and municipal agencies in the Franchise Area, and public access producers at their request.
To solicit reactions to general programming and channel allocations from subscribers, community groups, public officials and media consultants at open Council meetings, by select committee, and through local media and in-house channels.
To provide oversight by select committee on any contractual agreement with outside vendors for the provision of public access, to consult with regional experts and volunteer consultants on local production needs and initiatives, to monitor public access funding requirements and annual spending levels.
To inform community groups and organizations, municipal official and educational institutions of the uses of cable for local communication needs through select committees, local media and locally produced channels.
To identify and support, at the state and local level, regulatory and telecommunications policies and initiatives which enhance the public access mandate and promote citizen interest and participation in the public access resources within the Franchise Area.
To be proactive in cable-related issues which protect the local citizenry, such as, but not limited to, first amendment rights, franchise renewal, competition, public access mandate, telecommunications infrastructure, consumer feedback channels, at Council and public meetings, DPUC hearings, with public officials, local media, franchise seekers and licensed franchise holders.
To form alliances with other cable advisory councils primarily for networking and informal exchange of information.
To give advice to the management of the cable television company upon such matters affecting the public as it deems necessary. Each cable company shall respond in a timely manner to issues brought forth by its advisory council. Each advisory council shall annually on a date not later than the first day of August, file a written report with the DPUC concerning its activities for the preceding twelve month period ending June 30.