Public Safety Director
The Director of Safety shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties necessary for the administration of the department of safety. The department of safety shall be concerned with (a) police protection of the town, its citizens, and their individual and collective property; (b) the extinguishing and prevention of fire; (c) emergency medical services; (d) maintenance of all equipment entrusted to its charge; (e) maintenance of disaster and emergency facilities; (f) instruction of all townspeople in matters of safety and fire prevention; (g) the enforcement of all penal statutes of the state and ordinances of the town; (h) Animal Control; (i) such other and further matters as prescribed by the statutes of the state of Connecticut and local ordinances or as may be referred to it from time to time by the Mayor.
Lawrence A. Ciccarelli Jr., has been the Town of Stratford's Director of Public Safety and the Emergency Management Director for the past 10+ years. He is also regionally involved as a member of the School Safety Task force and Cyber Security Task Force. He received his bachelors degree from the University of Rhode Island, and has completed graduate courses at the University of New Haven. Additionally, he holds certificates from Texas A&M Engineering Extension and the Department of Defense.
Larry is a 15 year veteran of the U.S. Army, with time in reserve and active roles. He worked in the Special Operations Community (Civil Affairs), focusing on assisting foreign countries in infrastructure, governmental, and population support operations.
Larry has been a resident of Stratford and active member of the community for over 30 years. Highlights from his community work include projects with the YMCA, Pony Baseball, and Sterling House sports. He also coached the Stratford High School Girls Soccer Team.

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Lawrence A. Ciccarelli Jr.
Public Safety Director
Town of Stratford
2725 Main Street
Stratford, CT 06615
Phone: (203) 260-2700