For centuries, both the common bed bug ( Cimex lectularus L.) and the tropical bed bug (C. hemipterus Fabr.) have been long-term worldwide human pests. These parasitic insects feed at night and can be found in the cracks and crevices close to where people tend to sleep or gather.
Early detection can prevent bed bug infestations from getting out of control. If you suspect that you or someone you know has bed bugs please call the Stratford Health Department at (203) 385-4090, Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm or a Pest Management Professional.
To learn more about the identification, treatment, and prevention of bed bugs, please visit our resource page.
Bed Bugs: How to deal with them, Gale E. Ridge (110.46kb, 2 pages, PDF Format)
First Steps to Manage Bed Bugs in the Bed, Gale E. Ridge (127.59kb, 1 page, PDF Format)
A Home Owner's Guide to the Human Bed Bugs Climex lectularis L., hemipterus Fabr. (Cimicidae: Heteroptera) (198.78KB, 5 pages, PDF Format)
Spanish Version--GUIA DE CONTROL PARA CHINCHE DE CAMA, Gale E. Ridge (133.44kb, 5 pages, PDF Format, Spanish Version), Spanish version of A Home Owner's Guide to the Human Bed Bugs Climex lectularis L., hemipterus Fabr. (Cimicidae Heterptera), Gale E. Ridge
Mandarin Version--A Home Owner's Guide to the Human Bed Bugs Climex lectularis L., hemipterus Fabr. (Cimicidae Heterptera) (618.81kb, 7 pages, PDF Format, Mandarin version)
French Version-- La Punaise de Lit: Guide Pratique pour Propriétaires et Locataires Cimex lectularius L., C. hemipterus Fabr. (Cimicidae: Heteroptera), Gale E. Ridge (181.30kb, 7 pages, PDF Format, French Version), French version of A Home Owner's Guide to the Human Bed Bugs Climex lectularis L., hemipterus Fabr. (Cimicidae Heterptera), Gale E. Ridge
A Home Owners Guide to Bed Bugs, Gale E. Ridge (620.45kb, 19 pages, PDF Format)
Materials from EPA's National Bed Bug Summit (April 14 - 15, 2009) are now available on the web. On the website you will find the Summit's agenda, workgroup results, a summary of recommendations developed by the meeting's participants, and a link to the Public Docket where you can find speaker presentations and attendance sign-in sheets. Also on the website are the video webinar presentations delivered the first morning of the Summit.
What's Working for Bed Bug Control in Multifamily Housing: Reconciling best practices with research and the realities of implementation, National Center for Healthy Housing.
Bed Bug Catcher (218.52kb, 1 page, PDF Format)