Coronavirus (COVID-19) Information and Resources
The Town of Stratford and the Stratford Health Department are closely monitoring the outbreak of respiratory illness caused by COVID-19. This page contains the latest information and guidance from the Town of Stratford. This is a rapidly evolving situation, and we will work to provide you updates specific to the Town of Stratford as quickly as possible.
View Stratford COVID-19 Daily Updates HERE
Guidance and FAQs for COVID-19 Self-Test Kits
Learn about the COVID-19 vaccines here.

Contact Tracing to Slow the Spread
The Stratford Health Department is actively performing contact tracing in partnership with the CT Department of Health using a platform called ContaCT. We are calling residents who have tested positive for Covid-19 to see how you are doing, provide education about protecting your friends and family, and ask about anyone you may have come in contact with to help contain the spread of the virus. If you are willing to participate, we will use the ContaCT system to identify and reach out via email and text to you and your contacts. It is important to note that we will not release your name or the name of your contacts to anyone. Your information is confidential and treated as a private medical record. Please answer the call and consider participating in this important effort to help us keep #StratfordSafe.

Share how you feel on the How We Feel App. Help Track and Fight COVID-19 by self-reporting your symptoms, even if you feel fine! Check in daily. It only takes 30 seconds, and no sign-in required.
For the latest updates and guidance on COVID-19, please visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention COVID-19 Website.
Sign Up for Mayor Hoydick's eNewsletter
Safe Workplace Rules for Essential Employees and Employers
COVID-19 Emergency Orders - Stay Safe, Stay Home
Sign Up for the Connecticut Emergency Alerting and Notification System
Please email questions for the Stratford Health Department regarding COVID-19 to:
Yale Health COVID-19 Hotline (7AM to 7PM):
Hartford Healthcare COVID-19 Hotline (24 hrs/day):
CT 2-1-1 Hotline