Inland Wetlands Commission

Purpose & Objectives

The Stratford Inland Wetlands Commission is tasked with implementing the purposes and provisions of the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act in the Town of Stratford; and also tasked with enforcing all provisions of the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Act and shall issue, issue with modifications, and deny permits for all regulated activities on inland wetlands and watercourses in the Town of Stratford. While the Inland Wetlands Commission holds jurisdiction over inland wetlands, tidal wetlands are under the jurisdiction of Connecticut Department of Energy & Environmental Protection.

Before you begin work on your property, please check in to be sure your project doesn't require an Inland Wetlands permit. You may use our town Geographic Information System (GIS), or check in with Conservation to assist in determining if your project is within an inland wetland or watercourse, or within an upland review area. Please note that appointments are required in order to submit a permit application. This ensures a more timely permitting process.

Commission members are appointed by the Stratford Town Council Chair. The Commission meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7pm in Town Council Chambers. 

John Waite

May 31, 2026

Dennis Blake

May 31, 2026

Joseph Koripsky (Conservation Commission Rep), Vice Chair

May 31, 2026

Angela Capinera (Conservation Commission Rep)

May 31, 2028

David M. Chess

May 31, 2028

Larry Haddad

May 31, 2028

Edward Scinto (WFHM Commission Rep), Chair

May 31, 2028

Alternate Members

Gary Pia

May 31, 2026

Chris Blake

May 31, 2026