The Town of Stratford has created a voluntary registry for Stratford residents who have a medical or special need that requires preparation before, during, and/or after an emergency due to certain conditions.
A registry for Stratford residents who have a medical or special need that requires preparation before, during and/or after an emergency due to certain conditions, including:
Use of life support systems such as oxygen, a respirator/ventilator, dialysis, a pacemaker, or are insulin dependent
Limited mobility or difficulty walking
Blind or visually impaired, deaf or hearing impaired, or other sensory condition
Speech, developmental, or mental health disabilities
Use of service animals
Why should I sign up?
By registering for STRATFORD ALERTS!, you will be put in a notification system that will allow Town officials to alert you before, during, and/or after an emergency. Information is also shared with first responders so that they will know of your need prior to arriving on scene should you ever require emergency assistance.
Note: enrolling does not guarantee that you will get help first during an emergency or that you will be provided a certain level of care or service.
How do I join?
To enroll yourself or anyone else for whom you have a legal responsibility simply complete, sign, and submit the attached form. The Stratford Health Department will send an annual reminder to request updated information.
All information collected through this registry is protected and is only used during an emergency by the Town of Stratford Emergency Personnel.
You can complete the following application online: Stratford Alerts! Application or Download application using the following link: Stratford Alerts! Application and email your completed application to health@townofstratford.com or mail or drop off at any of the following locations:
Stratford Health Department: 468 Birdseye Street, Stratford, CT 06615
Baldwin Senior Center: 1000 W Broad Street, Stratford, CT 06615
If you have questions or need further information, please call 203-385-4090. The application packet is available in other languages and alternate formats.