Stratford Harbor and Housatonic River

The Town of Stratford and the Waterfront and Harbor Management Commission welcome you to the picturesque waterfront of Stratford Connecticut. The Town of Stratford and the Waterfront and Harbor Management Commission welcome you to the picturesque waterfront of Stratford Connecticut.
The Stratford Waterfront and Harbor Management Commission meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM, Town Hall 2725 Main Street Stratford Ct. A Public Forum is part of each meeting. Suggestions and comments from the public are welcome. A Speakers Bureau featuring an illustrated "Waterfront Vision" is available. For a list of Commission members visit the Boards & Commissions page and select 'Waterfront Harbor Management Commission"
The Stratford Waterfront is more than 14 Miles of River and coastline. There are several marinas where marine repairs and fuel may be obtained. The Housatonic River in Stratford hosts two Yacht Clubs, the Housatonic Boat Club and Pootatuck Yacht Club. There are several excellent Restaurants within a short distance of the waterfront.

The Stratford Harbormaster
Cell: (203) 895-7489