Transit-Oriented Development Overlay District (TOD)

The purpose of the Transit‐Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay District is to enhance Stratford’s residential neighborhoods, to preserve its historic character, to revitalize Stratford Town Center and commercial areas and to promote mixed‐use development that increases employment and the Town’s tax base, by:
1) Providing an alternative to the traditional built environment by emphasizing mixed‐use, pedestrian‐oriented development
2) Allowing market‐driven growth in places that are most conducive to accommodating additional activity
3) Encouraging the redevelopment of underutilized or obsolete areas
4) Creating an environment that encourages walking, bicycling and transit use
5) Facilitating the adaptive re‐use of existing buildings and infill development
6) Reducing auto dependency and traffic congestion by locating multiple destinations and trip purposes within walking distance of one another
7) Providing a range of housing options for people at different stages of life
8) Ensuring that new development is consistent with and enhances the nearby streetscape
9) Encouraging a mix of moderate‐density development within walking distance of the Stratford Train Station to increase transit rider
Contact Information
Mary Dean,
Director, Economic & Community Development
Town Hall
2725 Main Street
Stratford, CT 06615
Phone: (203) 381-1351
Hours: Monday – Friday
8:00am to 4:30pm