Emergency Management Director
If the Town of Stratford opens our Emergency Operating Center in the event of a major crisis you can call the following numbers for any questions or concerns.
In addition to 911 you may call the following non-emergency numbers.
(203) 385-4100
Police Department
(203) 380-6757
Emergency Management Info Line
(Use only during disasters)
Emergency Management Director
203-385-4070 - Lawrence Ciccarelli , Emergency Management Director
The Emergency Management Director (EMD) is the liaison (during emergencies) between the Mayor’s Office and the Emergency Services, local business, other cities or towns, and the State Department of Emergency Management and Homeland Security (DEMHS).
There are many things to consider during an emergency. One important way to ensure that you and your family will be able to get through an event is to plan in advance. We should all have an emergency plan. Remember to keep it as simple as possible. Identify a place where you and your family members will go during an emergency. Set up a safe room in your house.