Daily Parking- Parkmobile
Refer to the links directly below for the most current
parking information

SRRP’s alternate pre-payment option for vehicles parked in our daily parking spaces.
Only Visa and MasterCard may be used to pay for parking in SRRP’s daily parking spaces using Parkmobile mobile app. It is best to pay immediately after parking. There is a 10 minute grace period for payment once the $5.32 ticket is issued on a space, based on the time on the ticket. Be sure to pay for correct space.

Signs throughout daily parking and/or near the pay stations provide the zone number and a phone number to contact Parkmobile.
App users can register up to 5 vehicles and 5 users, and use the app to pay by space for parking in SRRP’s 160 regular daily parking spaces and 13 handicap daily parking spaces.
Stratford Parking Enforcement (SPE) will use hand-held electronic devices to determine if the app has been used to pay by the space for parking in daily parking.
Park first in any empty daily parking space and then pay for your parking space in the app or at a pay station before leaving your vehicle.
Enter the zone number correctly (2785) to ensure your space will be identified as paid.
The zone number is on the green Parkmobile signage located in SRRP and on each pay station.
Enter your space number correctly before leaving your vehicle.
Space numbers are on signs at the head of each space and on the asphalt.
Entering the zone number and the space number correctly are critical parts of your transaction. Errors on either one will result in a ticket being issued that must be paid.
There is no cost to register with Parkmobile or to download the app. . In addition to the current $5.32 daily parking fee, a $0.42 transaction fee is currently charged each time you purchase parking, making a total payment of $5.74.
The Parkmobile toll free number to reach their automated system is 877-727-5832.
Download the app through your device’s app store or at this website link , and then register through the app.